Joining an association is a meaningful way to support a cause. You can help by donating or supporting the actions through some time and energy.

We ask for a symbolic 5€ participation of annual contribution for the members. You can subscribe online below (sorry its in French).

We will inform you about general assemblies and through our monthly newsletter.

Working groups

  • Legal (free legal help, practical guide of asylum seeker procedure, assistance to write “récit de vie” and prepare the interview with OFPRA)
  • Health (information / orientation, organization of a doctor’s united network)
  • Social assistance (housing, administrative help)
  • Employment guidance program
  • Cultural and Social (French classes, concerts, sports events, visits…)
  • Emergency actions
  • We’re also looking for translators (writing and speaking) in Arabic, Dari, Pashto, Farsi, Oromo, Tigrigna… in order to assist with the different help groups, complete translation of the website or documents; graphic designers and illustrators for flyers and posters; web designers for the website; musicians, dancers, painters to organize cultural events and workshops…
Propulsé par HelloAsso